Cancer plan Minnesota : a framework for action
January 2017
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Description:The Minnesota Cancer Alliance is a coalition of organizations and individuals committed to reducing the burden of cancer in Minnesota. Since its founding in 2005, the Alliance has made progress on many fronts. But the work is far from done. Join the Alliance in its efforts to support and implement Cancer Plan Minnesota: Mncanceralliance.org/membership/joinus
Development of this plan was facilitated by the Comprehensive Cancer Control Program, Minnesota Department of Health and was funded in part by Cooperative Agreement Number 5U58DP000802-05 from the National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its content does not represent the official view of any organization.
Suggested citation: Massachusetts Statewide 2017–2021 Cancer Plan. Boston, MA: Massachusetts Comprehensive Cancer Prevention and Control Network, January 2017.
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