David J. Sencer CDC Museum
The David J. Sencer CDC Museum (CDCM), a Smithsonian Affiliate, is CDC's face to the public, allowing the general public to enter into an engaging experience that illustrates the wealth of CDC's contributions to public health. The CDCM also provides the opportunity to capture and preserve CDC's history, which is largely the history of public health over the past 65 years, fulfilling a unique demand among the many students, visitors, scholars, and researchers who contact CDCM for an understanding of CDC and the role of public health. The CDCM hosts more than 70,000 visitors each year, and more than 350 tours are provided by CDC docents and Museum staff. The CDCM provides educational programs for students and teachers, as well as permanent, temporary, and traveling exhibits that are visitor-centered, science-based, and provide high-impact communication messages.