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Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Vol. 1, no. 13, April 4, 1952
April 4, 1952
Alternative Title:Cases of specified Diseases: selected cities for week ended March 29, 1952;Cases of specified Diseases with comparative data: United States, each division and state for week ended March 29, 1952;Comparative data for cases of specified notifiable Diseases: United States;Deaths in selected cities by geographic division for week ended March 29, 1952;Provisional statistics for deaths in selected cities for week ended March 29, 1952;Provisional statistics for specifled notifiable Diseases in the United States for week ended March 29, 1952;
Corporate Authors:
Description:"The incidence of measles rose from 31.7B4 cases for the week ended March 22 to 32,791 for the current week. There was an increase In the numbers reported for the current week as compared with tile prevl.ou8 week in the Middle Atlantic, East North Central, South Atlantic, West South Central, Mountain, and Pacific States. The cumulative totals for certain Diseases for the first quarter of 1952, with similar totals for the same period of 1951 in parentheses, are; anthrax, 10 (20): diptheriah, 889 (1,208); measles, 295,064 (176,493); meningococcal infections, 1,685 (1,404); pollomyelits, 1,320 (1,298); scarlet fever with streptococcal infections, 40,905 (29,940); typhoid fever, 399 (395); whooping cough, 15,053 (20,475); rabies in man, 5 (2); and rabies in anlmals,2,296 (1,759). One case of human rabies was reported by Missouri for the current week" - p. 1
"The number of deaths from Influenza and pneumonia reported for 58 cities for the week ended March 22 was 344 as compared with 372 for the previous week. The numbers by geographical areas, with corrected figures for the previous week In parentheses were: New England, 33 (32); Middle Atlantic, 123 (135); East North Central,. 62 (68); West North Central, 21 (32); South Atlantlc,38 (37); East South Central, 20 (17); West South Central, 14 (22); Mountain, 11 (7); and Pacific, 22 (22)." - p. 1
Content Notes:"April 4, 1952."
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Pages in Document:print; 8 p. : tables ; 28 cm.
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