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Description:The Communicable Disease Center, a component of the Bureau of State Services of the U. S. Public Health Service, operates on a Nation-wide basis. Its primary responsibility is to assist States and Territories to develop and implement increasingly effective methods and techniques for the diagnosis, prevention, and control of communicable diseases. Headquarters and major facilities are located in the Atlanta, Ga., area. Specialized installations are maintained near Savannah, Ga., Montgomery, Ala., Thomasville, Ga., Newton, Ga., and San Francisco, Calif. In addition, field training centers, research projects, investigative study stations, and other types of field installations are operated in a number of places in different parts of the country, including Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico.
This is a summary of major activities of the Communicable Disease Center during the fiscal year 1952. In its preparation there has been conscious effort to omit details, to emphasize composite end results, and to bring the varied activities of the several components into common focus. The information presented was abstracted from basic reports prepared by the headquarters units and from other official sources. Many of the projects dealt with were carried on in cooperation with other agencies. In some instances the CDC was the principal participant and in others its contribution was relatively minor. In the interest of clarity, and as an aid to those unfamiliar with the CDC and its operations, the integrated summary report is divided into two general parts: (l) General Activities, and (2) Activities Directed Toward Specific Diseases or Problems. This is not a precise grouping, nor is the list of items under the respective headings a complete catalog of activities undertaken during the report period. Rather, the intent is to indicate in general terms the scope, nature, and interrelationships of activities carried on in different areas of public health by the combined staff of the CDC.
Introduction -- General Activities, Administration and management, Epidemic Intelligence Service, Laboratory activities, Field training, Training aids, Airborne disease studies, Disease vector problems associated with water developmental projects, Health hazards of economic poison, Insecticidal resistance of vectors of disease, Control of animal reservoirs of disease, Equipment development, Veterinary public health, Reports of investigations and studies. -- Activities Directed Toward Specific Diseases or Problems, Amebiasis, Brucellosis, Conjunctivitis, Disinfectization of aircraft, Dysentery-diarrhea (fly control), Encephalitis, Histoplasmosis, Infectious hepatitis, Leprosy control, Malaria, Murine typhus, Plague, Poliomyelitis (fly control), Q Fever, Rabies, Rice field mosquitoes, Sarcoidosis, Tick-borne disease, Trachoma. -- Looking Ahead.
Public Health Service publication ; no. 302
U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Communicable Disease Center, Atlanta, Georgia.
43 numbered pages
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